My wife's cousin Ashley is getting married in June 2nd, to an awesome guy Drew. We're going to be attending to their reception of course, but I promised that I'd give them something they can't buy just anywhwere. This will be sent out to them.
Strathmore Bristol Vellum (9"x12")
I haven't done processes in a while so I thought I could do it this time:-
Draft stage
Working from left to right starting from the silhouette and hair.
Shading the face. And I pretty much did the same thing with Ashley afterwards. It took me about maybe 5 hours or more to complete the whole thing.
I am sorry again for not posting anything for such a long time. Work's been hectic, and perhaps some bigger changes are coming along the way. I'll try to keep everyone updated. Thank you all for your kind comments and your time. Drew and Ashley, CONGRATULATIONS again(I do sound like a broken record ^_^)