Thursday, January 27, 2011


I have not done any sketches on my Moleskine for a long time now. The last one being Paramore dated way back in September 15, 2010. I felt bad because I had been neglecting it, so I thought yesterday that I could do a little practice on it.
Gun haters probably will not like this one but don't worry, no individual or animal was harm during the drawing process and practice session ;)

Thank you all for your comments and questions in the previous post. The publisher hasn't contacted me yet which means the authors probably haven't given them the feedback I needed, so I just have to wait(and this is usually the part which I don't like as I was so motivated to get the projects done... the waiting seems to drain that energy away and now I am focusing on doing a sketch as a favor for my co-worker). So I really don't know which direction I am going with those. Until then, I'll just try to keep finding things to sketch.


  1. great job on all parts of the page---lots of material folds... A "bang" up job !

  2. Fabulous detail,shading, and perspective, Alex. I love the foreshortening of the arm.

  3. You have portrayed action going into a tense standstill very well. There is lot of 'frozen' movement in this drawing. Again, a great picture Alex.

  4. I don't like guns, but I do like your beautiful drawing. It really gives the sensation that the subject is moving!

  5. Nice one Alex.. Love the negative space shading! Very cool..

  6. . . . so glad that you decided to "practice," Alex!! This is spot on. . . a beautiful job, indeed!!!

  7. I hate weapons, Alex, but you are forgiven ;o) as your sketch is just excellent ! I love the details, the attitude and all the values ! So glad to see you back ! Can't wait for more !!

  8. Most impressive!! All the folds, the foreshortening, the intensity of it .... well done! nancy

  9. This is really nice. The shading is exquisite.

  10. I always enjoy your matter the format, style or have such a wonderful talent! :) Great capture here!

  11. Hi Alex, Superb! What struck me immediately was how you allow the back to dissolve into the background; wonderful! Beautifully drawn!

  12. What a wonderful sketch Alex. Really really like it. :-))

  13. Excellent shading and folds. I like the body position too..without the gun ;)

  14. You have depicted the concentration of the marksman, and his action, very well. I cam almost see him carefully moving along as he focuses on his target. The fabric folds are marvelous too! Quite amazing!

  15. Wow, Alex!! Tremendous job. Love the light in this, all the folds. Everything just perfect!

  16. Wow!! Awesome job Alex!! I love how you got the folds and wrinkles in the clothing and especially how his back fades and blends with the light background!

  17. Great sketch! Like Peggy, I was immediately drawn to the 'lost edges'.

  18. Awesome drawing, very realistic, and your style is so cool!
    I understand what you mean about the waiting, it's hard to stay enthusiastic when things take time.

  19. oh alex this is amazing! I must confess that i like gun pictures. this reminds so much on military stuff, that i also like. great pose, i love it!!

  20. My son would love this:) Very well done, your realism is fantastic. Thanks for your comments on my Carriage horse, they're always so welcome!

  21. Amazing! Your portraits are so real! I feel like I can hear this guy breathing, waiting for the next move. Awesome!

  22. Amazing drawing - all those soft tones in a powerful image

  23. looks great -- casual and yet focused. i like it!
