(Moleskine Sketchbook 3.5x5.5")
Thank you all again for your comments, and time to write them. 7 days of 12hours shift had costed me quite a bit, exhaustion to name a few, and a slight twist on my right shoulder which saved me from a potential 20 foot dropped. I didn't get any treatment, just letting it heal by itself, and it is still weak and hurts every time I try to push or pull hard with my right arm. But the 7 days off after the 7 days of work helped a lot. We went back to Louisiana for 4 days, celebrated my father-in-law's and my birthday since they are just 3 days apart, ate a lot of good food(Seafood Gumbo!). So everything is good except that Meela is getting spayed tomorrow and I am worried for her.