Thursday, October 27, 2011


Watched a good movie yesterday, Disney's Tangled. It's been long overdue, but I love almost all Disney animations, 2D or 3D. I am easily touched by movies like this, and I told my wife how much I liked it. And then I told her "Okay I am gonna draw" "Draw what?" She asked. I said I don't know. And then she suggested "Why don't you draw something from the movie?" So here's the very cute chameleon named Pascal from the movie(hopefully I don't get in trouble for this). I've always liked chameleon because I thought they are so cool(especially when their eyes work independently simultaneously, like 2 separate radars.
(Moleskine Sketchbook 3.5x5.5")

Thank you all again for your comments, and time to write them. 7 days of 12hours shift had costed me quite a bit, exhaustion to name a few, and a slight twist on my right shoulder which saved me from a potential 20 foot dropped. I didn't get any treatment, just letting it heal by itself, and it is still weak and hurts every time I try to push or pull hard with my right arm. But the 7 days off after the 7 days of work helped a lot. We went back to Louisiana for 4 days, celebrated my father-in-law's and my birthday since they are just 3 days apart, ate a lot of good food(Seafood Gumbo!). So everything is good except that Meela is getting spayed tomorrow and I am worried for her.


  1. Alex,

    Love the drawings and am jealous of the gumbo. I have learned to make gumbo, even a roux, but it is never as good as the real thing.

    I am sure Meela will be alright, but I will keep her and you in my thoughts just in case,


  2. Happy birthday! Excellent chameleon - you could be a Disney artist. You work sounds way too hazardous. I hope it is worth it.

  3. You really captured the cuteness.
    Meela will be back to her old self quickly I am sure.
    Glad to hear you are better.
    Take care.

  4. Wonderful job on the drawings! Meela will be fine, she'll recover much faster that you, don't worry. HUGS for both of you though.

  5. Aw this is one of my favorite movies! You did a great job, and I thought you only get in trouble if you try to sell it..? Happy belated birthday and wishing you & Meela a speedy recovery

  6. I haven't seen the movie but I want to now after seeing your great sketches. Let us know how Meela gets on?

  7. The expressions on the ones at the top really made me laugh- they could be my four brothers!

  8. I think you did a super, super job capturing the character of this chameleon . . . you've made me want to see the movie!

    I agree with Dan! Take care of yourself on that job!!!

    And . . . Happy Birthday once again. It sounds as though you had a wonderful week!

  9. I like how you chose to add color to the overly happy one, happy Birthday.

  10. Happy belated birthday, Alex !
    Congratulations, your chameleon is so cute !
    Don't worry about Meela, she'll get over it quickly .
    And what about taking care of yourself too ??? :o)

  11. These are great! I especially like the top one where the eyes are different directions. That is also one of the reason I always liked chameleons too!

    Take care of yourself! We can't have you messing up your drawing arm! Hope you both recover quickly!

    And happy birthday!

  12. Belated Happy Birthday Alex. I'm usually so exhausted on Friday nights I can't make myself draw anything

  13. Hey Alex, thanks for your comments on my "river arno" sketch! Love your chameleons man, and I also enjoy watching their independently controlled eyes roll around. Disney's the best, well, Pixar isn't bad either...My best to Meela...hope all went well!

  14. I hope everything wetn right for Meela! Tangled is my daughter's current favorite movie, she must have seen it a dozen times already. I thought it was fun, too, and I can tell your rendering of Pascal is spot on! And of course, Happy belated birthday - Joyeux Anniversaire en retard!

  15. Pascal is soooo cute. Heal quickly.

  16. I saw that movie with my daughter and I just loved the lizard, he was so cute and your drawings are spot on : )

    I have never had gumbo, might just have to look it up and try to make it. Happy belated birthday!!!



  17. Happy Birthday Alex...and good luck to Meela...she will be back to normal in no time....
    cute drawing, disney is one of my animation...Also glad you didn't fall...what kind of job do you have, I don't careful....

  18. The character is really cute. Disney won't mind. Happy Birthday!! Rest up.

  19. You did a great job! Your sketch looks just like the character. My husband and I bought Tangled for our daughter. We ended up liking it more than she did. It is a cute movie.

  20. Happy birthday!
    Your sketches are great and it looks like the coloured one will jump off the page;)

  21. Hey Alex, Late 'Happy Birthday'!
    I love your Chameleon he's sooo cute. Your Meela will be ok, these days most surgery is done 'key hole' less invasive and faster healing.

  22. Great sketch Alex.....Happy Birthday, wish I could have joined you, haven't drawn gumbo (or eaten it) Next time can you make a sketch? Don't worry about your kitten, she'll be fine (better than having babies!)

  23. Love the chameleon!!! The drawings are great! I have a pet chameleon, so yes Pascal is one of my fav cartoon characters!!! Makes me wish mine was.. active haha

  24. Pascal looks as though he poured from the movie through your mind and to the paper How lovely....

