Monday, August 15, 2016


Tua Ee () is my mother's oldest sister. She took care of me and my siblings when we were little like her own. I had always enjoyed visiting her when I had the chance during school holidays, and talking to her over the phone was always a joy. I had lots of fun taking worry-free naps in her house, and fixing broken things around her house with just my Swiss army knife. I was often rewarded with a big smile, endless of compliments, and a full stomach.
She always cooked the best meals, baked the best cookies, and I was never complaining about have to finish up so that she didn't have to worry about leftovers.
I called her every year during Chinese New Year, and wished her that she'd be blessed with good health and happiness, and often times, we would be giggling over the phone.
This coming Chinese New Year however, I will no longer be hearing her voice, nor will I be able to make her laugh. She had left us in her sleep, peacefully and quietly. I am sad that I was not able to be at her funeral to tell her goodbye for the last time, and that she has a strong and permanent place in my heart, right next to my cousin Ping See, which I will always revisit.
(Pencil on Moleskine Sketchbook 5.5x3.5")
Sorry I had not been drawing or posting. I will not promise anything, and I appreciate the thoughts and your time to read.


  1. Lovely sentiments. I am sure she will always be with you and watching you from above. Beautiful lady.

    1. Thank you Patsy. She will be missed forever. She's probably giggling right now knowing that I am still trying to cook the favorite dish she made for me, and can't seem to get it right.

  2. A very special and beautiful drawing of someone who was also clearly very special and beautiful. What a lovely relationship to have had in your life, Alex. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Jane. She's indeed a very special aunt. That one aunt that you wouldn't want to cross, but in a very good way.

  3. Alex, your drawing and tribute are beautiful.

  4. It's sad when someone we love leaves gave a lovely tribute and drawing to honour her.

    1. I couldn't agree more.... the ones that are left behind are always the ones picking up the pieces of our broken hearts :( Thanks Cathy

  5. Such a lovely drawing for a lovely person. Well, done.
