Sunday, February 13, 2011


Valentine's day is coming up, I am sure everyone is in a lovey dovey mood right now =) I was struggling to find a subject to draw last week so I just resort to something a little more technical. It was fun doing it but a little tiring.
This is the part of your car where you don't usually pay attention to everyday that's working really hard to soak up bumps and harshness on the road while you're driving while keeping your comfortable in your ride.
 Thank you all for your comments and feedback on the last portrait I drew. The recipient would probably get her gift today as today is her actual birthday, so perhaps I'll get a response from my co-worker tonight or so. =)


  1. Well, Happy Valentine's Day, Alex :-)

    This is one great sketch; very well observed and I love the "personality" you gave this technical subject!

  2. Very educational sketch, as I don't have any car!

    Elena (Pelusa)

  3. Happy Valentine's Day! I don't know how you do it, but whatever the subject, you render it beautifully. Who knew suspension thingys could be so lovely? lol nancy

  4. Very romantic Alex, great sketch though!

  5. Reaaaally awesome drawing, Alex! I find technical details quite difficult and laborious to draw - great job! Also, I'd prefer something as cool as this for Valentine anytime over any of that commercial cliché cra... candy! *g* (If I did expect to get anything that is - to be honest, I'm not really a Valentine kind of girl. Didn't even know it *is* Valentine's Day already... IS it? Today? ^^° )

  6. Very nice, Alex. Great character. Glad you love your car enough to draw her a valentine!

  7. Hugs and Kisses for you from Wifey!

    Yep, I keep forgetting tomorrow is V-day, but all the same, great sketch! (even though you had to explain to me what exactly I was looking at besides the tire of a car) <3

  8. This is what happens when a macho guy like you tries to figure out what to draw on Valentine's Day. Keep trying, and maybe someday you'll get it right. Wifey seems understanding though. Excellent drawing, of course. Carve it in ice and I'll be really impressed.

  9. I love drawing and painting machinery and hardware items. Nice sketch, Alex.

  10. Well thats a romantic picture : ) It would make any guy tickle pink if they got that for Valentine's day.

    Its a very good drawing Alex!

  11. How clever of you to draw a 'technical' subject in a way that appeals to someone with no knowledge of the subject!

  12. Excellent drawing -as usual- Alew! I didn't even imagine I had that sort of thing in my car! And that's an unusual print for a Valentine card !!!! :OD
    Happy Valentine Alex !!

  13. When I was in high school my art teacher liked to have us draw car parts. I always loved it. Mostly I remember crank shafts. Your drawing is wonderful Alex! And there is so little room for error on these. Tehnical is right. You did a great job!

  14. I was all misty eyed when I opened your blog and saw the romance of your drawing. It's also going to give me a great big smile the rest of the day.
    Happy Valentine's Day, Alex. I think I still have a rusty combuster somewhere that I may draw for you.

  15. Alex- Yoou can draw anything and make it look amazing! I don't have a mechanically inclined bone in my body, and I still think your drawing of this suspension is just way too cool!!

  16. I love your style, man! And perusing your blog is a pleasure! Happy Valentine's Day!

  17. True! I don't usually need to pay much attention to anything "car" as my husband takes care of them for us. But it looks like an interesting drawing of a car part and you had fun doing it. Isn't that why we draw anyhow - to have fun.

  18. Great drawings Alex, sorry I haven't caught up for a while.
    Hope you had a lovey dovey Valentine's Day. Think engines are way cooler than red roses

  19. Fabulous drawing Alex. great detail!

  20. It's a great drawing and I hope you had a very nice Valentine's day!

  21. I love technical things, and even more drawings of technical things. Very nice sketch.
